Most of the time, sellers don’t only operate in one region or have only one shop but multiple shops. You can easily add another region and shop on our platform.

  1. Login into our platform

  2. Create a new workspace. You can find it on the navigation bar

    Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.51.30.png

  3. Give the workspace a proper identifiable name so that you know which shop it is or which region you’ve just added

    Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.51.59.png

  4. Replace the url of your browser: [](<>)#[/new-table/](<>)<YOUR-WORKSPACE-NAME> with [<><YOUR-WORKSPACE-NAME>](<><YOUR-WORKSPACE-NAME>) . You should see something like this afterwards.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.52.30.png

  1. Now continue from step 4 from the Onboarding Guide